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Grove at San Marcos | Hello May!
Finals are quickly approaching and we want all of our residents to do an amazing job! Here are some study tips to help you get through the week. 1. Attend Class – this may seem as a no brainer but this is extremely important! 2. Pay Attention – again no brainer, but if you’re attending class and not paying attention what’s the point? 3. Take Notes – just paying attention isn’t always enough. Write down important things that may pop up on your test. 4. Get Plenty of Sleep – A focused, alert mind needs a good night of sleep 5. Organize your Study Notes Clearly – Color code by class and highlight in pink, it helps you remember  6. Plan your revision so it’s clear what you should be learning when – Keeping track of all of your finals in a planner will keep you on track for when/what you should be studying 7. Create a checklist of everything you need to be studying – just in case you forgot! 8. Find a quiet place to study with few distractions – this means no Netflix too 9. Form a study group and work together – team work makes the dream work! 10. Take practice exams – practice makes perfect! 11. Take regular breaks – getting up and moving around every so often will help you to concentrate more! We wish all of you good luck and a great summer break!